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Offshore business structuring, banking and tax solutions for emerging to mid-size international and virtual companies
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Exit Tax When Renouncing US Citizenship
Americans living abroad often face obstacles when opening foreign bank accounts (thanks, FATCA). Many also struggle with the hassle of US tax filings. Renunciation seems a logical solution. But, besides other potential drawbacks, covered expats may have to pay an exit...
Giving Up Your Green Card? Beware of Green Card Exit Tax
Do you want to give up your US green card to exit the US tax system? Maybe you moved away and don’t need it anymore. But just letting it expire doesn’t end your permanent resident status, and you might still be liable for US taxes. Green card holders that are...
Renouncing US Citizenship And Exit Tax: What You Need to Know (And The Step-By-Step Renunciation Process)
The number of US citizens renouncing their citizenship continues to increase. A staggering quarter of Americans living abroad are contemplating this drastic move. They cite complex US tax filing requirements as well banking hassles related to FATCA as reasons to...