Vincenzo Villamena, CPA

Exit Tax When Renouncing US Citizenship

Exit Tax When Renouncing US Citizenship

Americans living abroad often face obstacles when opening foreign bank accounts (thanks, FATCA). Many also struggle with the hassle of US tax filings. Renunciation seems a logical solution. But, besides other potential drawbacks, covered expats may have to pay an exit...

Giving Up Your Green Card? Beware of Green Card Exit Tax

Giving Up Your Green Card? Beware of Green Card Exit Tax

Do you want to give up your US green card to exit the US tax system? Maybe you moved away and don’t need it anymore. But just letting it expire doesn’t end your permanent resident status, and you might still be liable for US taxes. Green card holders that are...

SDIRA – The Benefits And Pitfalls For Expats

SDIRA – The Benefits And Pitfalls For Expats

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) can be highly beneficial for many investors, as it allows for a wide range of investments that are not available in regular IRAs. From being able to invest in real estate abroad to the ability to obtain a loan from your SDIRA, a multitude...

Estonia Tax Benefits For Entrepreneurs

Estonia Tax Benefits For Entrepreneurs

With its corporate tax structure and e-Residency program, Estonia has become one of the most popular destinations to register a location-independent business in the past decade. Besides leveraging Estonia tax benefits, foreigners can access the European business...

Should you be moving to Puerto Rico to save tax?

Should you be moving to Puerto Rico to save tax?

Puerto Rico offers tremendous tax incentives for its residents. Of course, you would have to meet certain requirements to become a Puerto Rico resident and be eligible for those low taxes. Are the tax benefits worth moving to Puerto Rico? This is Part Two of our...

Puerto Rico Taxes – How to benefit from incredible tax incentives

Puerto Rico Taxes – How to benefit from incredible tax incentives

Published May 2019, updated July 2020 There is no doubt that Puerto Rico taxes offer incredible incentives to move to the island. To benefit from the tax incentives you have to meet specific requirements though. Just declaring the US territory your new home is not...

Hybrid entity – How to tax-optimize your business for two countries

Hybrid entity – How to tax-optimize your business for two countries

You are a US citizen and entrepreneur living abroad. You’ve recently met with a team of tax lawyers and accountants who give you the perfect tax structure in your country of residence. But as a US citizen, how do you tax-optimize your business for both countries? This...