If you are self-employed, you probably heard that you can save self-employment tax when you incorporate your business. But if you work outside the United States, incorporating gives you even more tax savings. As an employee of your own company you could benefit from...
Vincenzo Villamena, CPA
Transfer pricing study – Avoid tax trouble and improve strategic planning
A tax-optimized international business structure often includes two or more companies in different jurisdictions controlled by the same owner. When those related companies do business with each other, performing a transfer pricing study is a necessity. Transferring...
Offshore trust – How to protect your assets with a foreign asset protection trust
You worked hard for your assets. But in an increasingly litigious world, those assets could be on the line. High net worth individuals, especially those with an occupation with high litigation risk, benefit from taking at least some of their assets out of the reach of...
What to do with your offshore company when moving back to the US?
An offshore company can make great sense when you live abroad. Not only is the foreign business incorporated where you are. An offshore company controlled from outside the US also affords significant tax savings. But what to do with your offshore business when moving...
How to save taxes with the right offshore business structure
Many websites advertise the tax savings of going offshore. An offshore business structure is not just for the Apples and Googles of the world. Even small business owners and solo entrepreneurs can benefit. $20,000 tax savings with the right business structure Let’s...
The new GILTI tax on foreign business income explained
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 made significant changes to the taxation of businesses. The new tax law brought not only an end of tax deferral for foreign companies. It also introduced a new tax on any new foreign income that international companies earn, the GILTI...
7 Costly mistakes to avoid when setting up a business abroad
Setting up a business abroad in the right way can save you significant money, among other benefits. However, we often see entrepreneurs making the same costly mistakes when going offshore. Here we share a list of seven common mistakes, so you know what to watch out...